



Gouache Painting Workshop

with David Matzura

Tuesday, September 17 · view days & times
Price: $60 | $54 ArtsQuest Member
Fees: $5 Visual Arts Service Fee on all orders
Additional taxes and fees may apply

Venue: Visual Arts Classroom
Ages: 18+

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1 Day Workshop

Tuesday, September 17 | 6:30-9:30 p.m.

An introductory class for painting with gouache! Similar to watercolor and acrylic gouache can be a great first medium of paint to learn. Flexible and easy to get into without too much setup. This class will help you get into gouache and painting in general and can help you find your own artistic voice as well as provide student with resource on continued self directed education on gouache and painting.

David Matzura is a resident artist at the banana factory who works with fantasy and illustrative subjects. Using various painting mediums; digital, gouache, oils and acrylics David uses non traditional methods combined with classical techniques to create the exact look and feel for his artwork. David teaches a wide range of ages and has in depth knowledge of visual artwork mediums and tools. Using this knowledge he creates a more streamlined and easy going pathway into the wide world of painting.

Venue Information
Visual Arts Classroom
Banana Factory
25 W Third Street
Bethlehem, PA 18015
map & directions
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